
Who we are —

The BC-PAN is made up of a diverse group of public advisors from across the province who come together to discuss health care regulation.

In 2019, several health care regulators in BC came together to form a multi-college public engagement initiative – the BC Public Advisory Network (BC-PAN). The BC-PAN was formed to promote more meaningful public engagement in health care regulation across the province. Prior to the BC-PAN, British Columbia had no coordinated effort to engage the public in regulatory issues. The group brings the public voice and perspective to multiple health regulators in the province.

BC-PAN public advisors are selected to reflect the diversity of BC’s population and consist of individuals from a broad range of backgrounds, abilities, and identities. Public advisors participate in BC-PAN meetings, optional ad-hoc engagements, and prepare for meetings with background material on topics. Due to their preparation work and ongoing participation, BC-PAN advisors become more knowledgeable about health regulation in BC. Currently, there are 16 public advisors involved with the BC-PAN.

Our Purpose —

The intent of the BC-PAN is to encourage more comprehensive and meaningful public engagement on important issues related to health-care regulation in BC.

The public advisors are asked to provide their feedback on a variety of topics to help guide professional standards and policies, strategic priorities, and communications directed at the public.

Governance —

The BC-PAN operates as a joint initiative between 11 BC health regulators.

Each college partner has equal access to the BC-PAN meeting times and can hold college-specific consultation requests. The BC-PAN agenda topics are developed through a democratic process. College partners bring forward relevant topics and collaborate with the facilitator to craft an agenda. The public advisors are also consulted for their input on the agenda. Each year, college partners choose a chair to oversee the administration work of the BC-PAN.

Any BC health regulator can join as a college partner by agreeing to the Terms of Reference and providing a financial contribution of any amount.

College Partners —

The health regulators (college partners) involved in the BC-PAN include:


Meetings —

The BC-PAN completed its pilot phase in 2019/2020 and holds two meetings per year.

These are either virtual or in person and run by an external facilitator. In person meetings last for approximately six hours, and virtual meetings are split into two half-day sessions.

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Our Meeting Summaries + Reports

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