The BC Public Advisory Network (BC-PAN) was formed in 2019 to promote more meaningful public engagement in health care regulation across the province. The first such initiative in the province, the group brings the public voice and perspective to multiple health regulators in BC.
The intent of the BC-PAN is to encourage more comprehensive and meaningful public engagement on important issues related to health-care regulation in BC. This purpose is supported by the three groups that make up the BC-PAN: public advisors, college partners and health care partners.
More about us

The People that Make Us

Public Advisors

The BC-PAN public advisors are comprised of BC residents, all with unique lived experiences within BC’s health care system, representing a variety of diverse health conditions and demographics.

College Partners

The college partners involved with the BC-PAN are health regulators who have a shared mandate to serve and protect the public by ensuring regulated health-care professionals are qualified and provide safe and ethical care.

Health Care Partners

Health care partners are organizations that may be interested in the work and activities of the BC-PAN. The BC-PAN public advisors’ input on discussion topics are reflective of the general public’s views and expectations.

Interested in Joining Us?

Apply to be a public advisor

The BC-PAN brings the public voice and perspective to multiple health regulators in the province, whose shared mandate is to serve and protect the public by regulating health care professionals (such as pharmacists, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and dentists). As health regulators, our job is to make sure only qualified people practise in a safe and professional manner in BC.

Members of the BC-PAN will be asked to provide their feedback on important issues related to health care regulation, such as professional standards and policies, strategic priorities and communications directed at the public, and will be compensated for meeting attendance.